Submitted by tushar pramanick on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 20:37

Adding More Expressions into for

The C language allows you to put more expressions into the three expression fields in the for statement. Expressions in a single expression field are separated by commas.

For instance, the following form is valid in C:

for (i=0, j=10; i<10, j>0; i++, j--){
   /* statement block */

Here, in the first expression field, the two integer variables, i and j, are initialized, respectively, with 0 and 10 when the for statement is first encountered. Then, in the second field, the two relational expressions, i<10 and j>0, are evaluated and tested. If one of the relational expressions returns 0, the looping is stopped. After each iteration and the statements in the statement block are executed successfully, i is increased by 1, j is reduced by 1 in the third expression field, and the expressions i<10 and j>0 are evaluated to determine whether to do one more looping.

Now, let's look at a real program. Listing 7.2 shows an example of using multiple expressions in the for statement.

Listing 7.2. Adding multiple expressions to the for statement.

1:  /* 07L02.c: Multiple expressions */
2:  #include <stdio.h>
4:  main()
5:  {
6:     int i, j;    
8:     for (i=0, j=8; i<8; i++, j--)
9:        printf("%d  +  %d  =  %d\n", i, j, i+j);
10:    return 0;
11: }

    I get the following output displayed on the screen after running the executable, 07L02.exe:

    C:\app> 07L02
    0  +  8  =  8
    1  +  7  =  8
    2  +  6  =  8
    3  +  5  =  8
    4  +  4  =  8
    5  +  3  =  8
    6  +  2  =  8
    7  +  1  =  8

    In Listing 7.2, line 6 declares two integer variables, i and j, which are used in a for loop.

In line 8, i is initialized with 0 and j is set to 8 in the first expression field of the for statement. The second expression field contains a condition, i<8, which tells the computer to keep looping as long as the value of i is less than 8.

Each time, after the statement controlled by for in line 8 is executed, the third expression field is evaluated, and i is increased by 1 while j is reduced by 1. Because there is only one statement inside the for loop, no braces ({ and }) are used to form a statement block.

The statement in line 9 displays the addition of i and j on the screen during the looping, which outputs eight results during the looping by adding the values of the two variables, i and j.

Adding multiple expressions into the for statement is a very convenient way to manipulate more than one variable in a loop. To learn more about using multiple expressions in a for loop, look at the example in Listing 7.3.

Listing 7.3. Another example of using multiple expressions in the for statement.

1:  /* 07L03.c: Another example of multiple expressions */
2:  #include <stdio.h>
4:  main()
5:  {
6:     int i, j;
8:     for (i=0, j=1; i<8; i++, j++)
9:        printf("%d  -  %d  =  %d\n", j, i, j - i);
10:    return 0;
11: }

The following output is displayed on the screen after the executable 07L03.exe is run on my machine:

C:\app> 07L03
1  -  0  =  1
2  -  1  =  1
3  -  2  =  1
4  -  3  =  1
5  -  4  =  1
6  -  5  =  1
7  -  6  =  1
8  -  7  =  1

    In Listing 7.3, two integer variables, i and j, are declared in line 6.

    Note that in line 8, there are two assignment expressions, i=0 and j=1, in the first expression field of the for statement. These two assignment expressions initialize the i and j integer variables, respectively.

There is one relational expression, i<8, in the second field, which is the condition that has to be met before the looping can be carried out. Because i starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 after each loop, there are a total of eight loops that will be performed by the for statement.

The third expression field contains two expressions, i++ and j++, that increase the two integer variables by 1 each time after the statement in line 9 is executed.

The printf() function in line 9 displays the subtraction of the two integer variables, j and i, within the for loop. Because there is only one statement in the statement block, the braces ({ and }) are discarded.


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