WBCS Main Examination Paper - III (General Studies-I) - 2020

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 11:07

WBCS Main Examination Paper-III - 2020 (General Studies - I) (History & Geography) held on 28/08/2021 [Test Booklet Series - B]

1. The author of the book "The Indian war of independence 1857" was

    (A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan     (B) V. D. Savarkar      (C) R. S. Sharma       (D) R. C. Majumdar

2. What is the meaning of the word 'Sangam' in the Sangam Age ?

    (A) Royal Court      (B) Assembly of Poets      (C) Assembly of religious teachers     (D) Meeting of rivers

3. Who composed the Sanskrit kavya 'Saundarananda' ?

    (A) Asvaghosa       (B) Kalidasa       (C) Nagarjuna       (D) Visnu Sharma

4. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in the city of

    (A) Amritsar      (B) Lahore      (C) Bombay      (D) Hyderabad

5. Rulers of which dynasty patronised Jainism ?

    (A) Chalukya       (B) Pallava       (C) Rashtrakuta       (D) Chauhan

6. What proposal was made in the 'August Offer' of 1940 ?

    (A) Dominion Status

    (B) Provincial autonomy

    (C) Representative Government at the centre

    (D) Complete Independence for India gradually

7. Who, of the following, opined that the original homeland of the Aryans was the Artic region ?

    (A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak      (B) Max Muller      (C) Dayanand Saraswati      (D) A. C. Das

8. Who is the only women historian to write a historical account of the Mughal period ?

    (A) Gulbadan Begum      (B) Noorjahan      (C) Jahanara Begum      (D) Zebun-nissa Begum

9. Which of the following statements about Henry Louis Vivian Derozio is incorrect ?

    (A) He was born in Calcutta in 1809.

    (B) He taught at the Sanskrit College between 1826 - 1830.

    (C) He died of Cholera at the age of 22.

    (D) His followers were known as Derozians.

10. Which of the following facts about the Taj Mahal is incorrect ?

     (A) It is a magnificient Mausoleum

     (B) It was built by Shah Jahan

     (C) It is situated outside the Agra Fort

     (D) The names of artisans who built are engraved on it.      

11. Who became the first Chief Justice of India after Independence ?

      (A) Dilip Bose      (B) Hajarilal J. Kania        (C) S. P. Mukherjee      (D) Nandlal Bose

12. The Persian ruler who beseiged Qandahar m Jahangir's reign was

      (A) Shah Muhammad      (B) Shah Parvez      (C) Shah Abbas       (D) Shah Raza

13. The Ghadar Party was founded (November 1913) at San Francisco, USA by

       (A) Madam Bhikaji Cama      (B) Lala Har Dayal       (C) Shyamji Krishna Verma      (D) Both (A) and (B)

14. The learned lady who is said to have debated with the famous law-giver Yajnavalkya was

      (A) Gargi       (B) Maitreyi       (C) Kamala       (D) Kalindi

15. The river Chenab was known in the Vedic period by the name of

      (A) Askini      (B) Purushni       (C) Vitasta        (D) Shutudri

16. The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by

      (A) Ram Mohan Roy      (B) William Jones      (C) W. W. Hunter      (D) William Bentinck

17. Montague Chelmesford reforms which formed the base of Government of India Act, 1919, introduced which of the following in India ?

      (A) Self Governance      (B) Dyarchy      (C) Indian Administrative Service       (D) Indian Police Service

18. What was the 'Araghatta' ? 

     (A) A machine to break forts      (B) An irrigation canal      (C) A device to lift water      (D) A type of cloth

19. The popular name of Muizuddin Muhammad Bin Sam was

      (A) SuItan Mohmud      (B) Muhammad Ghori       (C) Timur       (D) None of the above

20. Kamban's Ramayana in Tamil was written during the reign of

      (A) Chalukya        (B) Pallavas       (C) Cholas       (D) Kakatiyas

21. Who constructed the 'Grand Trunk Road' ?

      (A) Akbor      (B) Sher Shah Suri       (C) Ashoka       (D) Samudra Gupta

22. Silver 'Tanka' and Copper 'Jital' were introduced by

      (A) Qutubuddin Aibek      (B) Raziya Sultana       (C) Iltutmish       (D) Balban

23. Who among the following was not involved with the Anushilan Samiti of Calcutta in 1902 ?

      (A) Promotha Mitter      (B) Abani Mukherjee      (C) Barindra Kumar Ghosh       (D) Jotindra Nath Banerjee

24. The Peshwa accepted the Subsidiary Alliance with the British by

       (A) Treaty of Purandhar      (B) Treaty of Bassein       (C) Treaty of Salbai       (D) Treaty of Surji Arjangaon

25. Who faced defeat in the Battle of Chandawar in 1194 AD ?

      (A) Bhima II      (B) Jaichand       (C) Lakshman Sena        (D) Muhammad Ghori

26. The founder of the Lodi dynasty was

      (A) Bahlul Lodi       (B) Sikandar Lodi      (C) Ibrahim Lodi       (D) Daulat Khan Lodi

27. The Revolt of 1857 did not acquire much intensity in

     (A) Delhi      (B) Awadh       (C) Bombay      (D) The Chambal region

28. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the position of women during the age of Buddha ?

     (A) The position of women generally deteriorated.

     (B) There were several instances of child marriages.

     (C) Polygamy was gradually growing among the ruling classed.

     (D) Education was denied to women.

29. The National Council for Education was set up in the year

      (A) 1906       (B) 1908       (C) 1909       (D) 1911

30. Permission to the Bntish to establish their trading centre at Surat was given by the Mughal Emperor

     (A) Babur       (B) Humayun       (C) Akbar       (D) Jahangir

31. The administrative consequence of the Revolt of 1857 was the transfer of power from

     (A) East India Company to the British Crown.

     (B) British Crown to the East India Company.

     (C) East India Company to the Governor General.

     (D) British Crown to the Board of Directors.

32. Which of the following was the basic unit of Vedic society ?

      (A) Jana        (B) Vidatha        (C) Parivar       (D) Sangh

33. The name of Sultan Mahmud's father is

      (A) Alptigin       (B) Sabuktigin       (C) Ulugh Khan        (D) None of the above

34. Who of the following became a member of the Din-i-Ilahi ?

      (A) Todar Mal       (B) Raja Birbal        (C) Raja Man Singh       (D) Tansen

35. Who founded the Indian Independence league (1942) in Tokyo ?

      (A) Taraknath Das      (B) Raja Mohendra Pratap      (C) Subhas Chandra Bose     (D) Rash Bihari Bose

36. Who was the first Indian to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army ?

      (A) Subroto Mukherjee      (B) K. M. Cariappa       (C) F. J. Manekshaw       (D) R. D. Katari

37. Who was the Hindu king at the time Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion of Sind ?

      (A) Dahir       (B) Hala        (C) Harsha        (D) Ananda Pala

38. Ghazi Malik was the actual name of

      (A) Ghiyas uddin Tughlaq        (B) Muhammad bin Tughlaq      (C) Firuz Shah Tughlaq       (D) None of the above

39. The English East India Company ceased to be a trading company by which of the following legislations ?

      (A) Pitts India Act of 1784   (B) Charter Act of 1833    (C) Charter Act of 1813    (D) Government of India Act, 1858

40. Khilafat Movement was organised by

      (A) Jinnah       (B) Maulana Abul Kalnm Azad      (C) Ali Brothers      (D) Agha Khan

41. Who was the most important God in the Rigveda ?

      (A) Agni      (B) Indra       (C) Varun       (D) Vishnu

42. Who was the founder of the All India Communist Party (AICP) in 1924 ?

      (A) Satyabhakta       (B) C. R. Das       (C) M. N. Roy      (D) N. D. Majumdar

43. Who among the following scholars declared that the 'Saptsindhava' region was the homeland of the Aryans ?

      (A) Dr. A. C. Das       (B) Prof. Max Muller       (C) Prof. Karl Penta       (D) Dr. K. K. Sharma

44. Persian poet Firdausi who composed 'Shah Namah' was associated with the court of

      (A) Sultan Mahmud      (B) Muhammad Ghori       (C) Shah Tahmasp      (D) None of the above

45. The second Muslim President of the Indian National Congress was 

      (A) Ajmal Khan     (B) M. A. Jinnah      (C) Abul Kalam Azad       (D) Rahimtulla M. Sayani

46. Two major crops introduced in India during the Mughal period were

      (A) Millet and Groundnut      (B) Potato and Mustard     (C) Tobacco and Maize      (D) Indigo and Maize

47. The Nayanar group of saints in North India were devotees of Lord

      (A) Vishnu       (B) Shiva       (C) Krishna       (D) Buddha

48. The Somnath Temple of Gujarat was destroyed by Sultan Mahmud in

      (A) 1015 AD       (B) 1020 AD       (C) 1025 AD      (D) 1027 AD

49. The revolt of the Khasis against the British was led by

      (A) Surendra Rai      (B) Titu Mir      (C) Birsa Munda       (D) Utirot Sing

50. The Dilwara Temples at Mount Abu were constructed during the rule of

      (A) Chalukyas      (B) Solankis      (C) Kalachuris      (D) None of the above

51. The Constituent Assembly was set up under the

      (A) Cripps Mission       (B) Wavell Plan       (C) Cabinet Mission Plan      (D) Nehru Report

52. The Russian merchant traveller Nikitin visited South India in

      (A) 14th Century      (B) 15th Century      (C) 16th Century       (D) None of the above

53. Which of the following is the biggest Harappan civilization site ?

      (A) Ropar       (B) Lothal       (C) Kalibangan        (D) Rakhigarhi

54. Which of the following systems were the backbones of the Vijaynagar administration ?

      (A) Nitinirdesha and Dandniti

      (B) Karyapalika and Nayankara

      (C) Nayankara and Ayagar

      (D) Dandniti and Spy system

55. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in

      (A) 1886       (B) 1892      (C) 1896       (D) 1904

56. Which of the following organisations was not established by B. R. Ambedkar ?

      (A) Zero club      (B) Depressed classes Institute      (D) Samaj Samata Sangh      (D) Peoples Education Society

57. 'Diwan-i-Khaira', a Ministry of Charity was organised by

      (A) Alauddin      (B) Ghiyasuddin       (C) Firuz Shah      (D) None of the above

58. Gandhiji's 'The story of my experiments with truth' was originally written in Gujrati. Who translated it into English ?

      (A) Maganlal Gandhi       (B) Mahadev Desai       (C) Pyarelalji       (D) Sushila Nayyar

59. The Mughals imported fruits from

      (A) Samarkand      (B) Arabia        (C) Kabul       (D) Portugal

60. The river most mentioned in the Rigveda is

       (A) Sindhu       (B) Shutudri       (C) Saraswati       (D) Gandaki

61. "The most unique feature of this site is its dockyard; the world's first tidal port, which served as a main seaport for the Indus people".

      The above statement holds true for which site ?

      (A) Ropar       (B) Lothal      (C) Rakhigarhi       (D) Banawali

62. The Tebhaga Movement of 1946, is associated with which of the following states of India ?

      (A) Andhra Pradesh      (B) West Bengal       (C) Bihar       (D) Odisha

63. Which Mughal Emperor transferred the capital from Agra to Delhi ?

      (A) Jahangir       (B) Shah Jahan       (C) Aurangzeb     (D) Bahadur Shah

64. The word 'Veda',.derived from 'Vid' refers to

      (A) Knowledge      (B) Energy       (C) Truth       (D) Karma

65. The members of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan's Red Shirt Movement were known as

      (A) Khidmatgars       (B) Insan-i-Khidmatgar       (C) Khuda-i-Khidmatgar       (D) Angels of Freedom

66. Apart from the Quit India Movement, which started on 9th August 1942, what other sensational activity of the freedom fighters took place on that date in 1925 ?

      (A) Salt Satyagraha

      (B) Boycott of Simon Commission

      (C) Champaran Satyagraha 

      (D) Kakori mail train robbery

67. Which of the following works refer to the History of Sind and it's conquest by the Muslim ?

      (A) Taj-ul-Maathir      (B) Chach Namah       (C) Lubab-ul-Abab      (D) Kitab-i-Tahqiq

68. Which of the following reform movements was the first to be started in the 19th Century ?

      (A) Prarthana Samaj        (B) Arya Samaj        (C) Brahmo Samaj       (D) Rama Krishna Mission

69. Who was the author of 'Tabaqat-i-Nasiri'  ?

      (A) Ibn Batuta       (B) Minhaj-us-Siraj       (C) Isami        (D) Ziauddin Barani

70. Who among the following was the first leader to organise Labour Movement in India ?

      (A) B. P. Wadia       (B) Lala Lajpat Rai       (C) N. M. Lokhandy      (D) N. G. Ranga

71. Which dynasty ruled over Magadha after the Mauryan dynasty ?

      (A) Satavahana       (B) Sunga       (C) Nanda       (D) Kanva

72. Which particular city became the nodal point for the trade routes running from north to south and east to west in the pre-Gupta and Gupta periods ?

      (A) Taxila      (B) Mathura       (C) Ujjain       (D) Vidisa

73. Which among the following is not a literary work of Mahatma Gandhi ?

      (A) 'Hind Swaraj'       (B) 'Indian Opinion'       (C) 'Yugantar'       (D) 'Young India'

74. Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler

      (A) Babur      (B) Humayun        (C) Akbar      (D) Aurangzeb

75. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

      (A) Rabindra Nath Tagore — 'Nil Darpan'

      (B) Dadabhai Naoroji — 'Indian Unrest'

      (C) Dinabandhu Mitra — 'Gora'

      (D) Ramesh Chandra Dutt — 'Economic History India'

76. The Vedic literature is also known as

      (A) Shruti      (B) Smriti      (C) Sanhita       (D) Vedanga

77. The Indian who was involved in the excavations of Harppa and Mohenjodaro is

      (A) S. D. Rathore      (B) K. K. Menon      (C) R. D. Banerjee      (D) R. D. Sharma

78. King Jaypala, who faced Sultan Mahmud's invasion belonged to the

      (A) Chalukya dynasty      (B) Hindushahi dynasty      (C) Pandya dynasty      (D) None of the above

79. Who was the founder of the Prarthana Samaj ?

      (A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy     (B) Dayanand Saraswati     (C) Atmaram Pandurang      (D) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

80. The Mughal Prince who was well versed in Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit was

      (A) Prince Akbar      (B) Prince Salim      (C)   Prince Sulaiman Shukoh      (D) Prince Dara Shukoh

81. Which European power was the last to reach India ?

      (A) Portuguese      (B) The Dutch       (C) British       (D) French

82. The treaty of Seringapatam is associated with the end of

      (A) Second Anglo - Maratha war

      (B) Third Anglo - Maratha war

      (C) Third Anglo - Mysore war

      (D) Fourth Anglo - Mysore war

83. Kalibangan is located at

      (A) Gujarat      (B) Rajasthan      (C) Himachal Pradesh       (D) Punjab

84. The Non-cooperation Movement was called off due to

      (A) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre      (B) Chaurichaura Incident     (C) Poona Pact      (D) Gandhi-Irwin Pact

85. Vasco da Gama, the sailor was a

      (A) Portuguese       (B) American       (C) German       (D) Italian

86. When and by whom were the Ashokan Inscriptions deciphered for the first time ?

      (A) 1787 — John Tower

      (B) 1810 — Harry Smith

      (C) 1825 — Charles Metcalfe

      (D) 1837 — James Prinsep

87. Aurangzeb sent Mukarrab Khan against

      (A) Shahji Bhonsle       (B) Shivaji        (C) Sambhaji       (D) Shahu

88. In which year was Lala Lajpat Rai deported to Mandalay for organising the agrarian movement in Punjab ?

      (A) 1905       (B) 1907      (C) 1909      (D) 1911

89. The leaders of the Home Rule Movement borrowed the term 'Home Rule' from a similar movement in

      (A) Ireland       (B) Scotland       (C) U.S.A      (D) Canada

90. The Cripps Mission visited India in

      (A) 1927      (B) 1939      (C) 1942      (D) 1946

91. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930 from

      (A) Sabarmati Ashram       (B) Ahmedabad       (C) Porbandar      (D) Dandi

92. Arrange the following events in a correct sequence of the Indian National Movement —

      (i) Foundation of Indian National Congress

      (ii) Simon Commission

      (iii) Home Rule Movement

      (iv) Cabinet Mission

      (A) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)      (B) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)        (C) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)       (D) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)

93. Ramchandra Yadav, who faced Alauddin's Invasion was the ruler of

      (A) Devgiri       (B) Malwa       (C) Ujjain       (D) Telengana

94. Which Mughal Emperor was a patron of Hindustani music and was popularly known as Rangila ?

      (A) Bahadur Shah I       (B) Bahadur Shah II       (C) Muhammad Shah     (D) Ahmed Shah

95. Sant Jnaneshwar was the author of

      (A) Amrutanubhav       (B) Rukmini Swayamvar      (C) Dasbodha      (D) Vivek sindhu

96. Rani Gaidinliu a rebel leader against the British was from

      (A) Tripura        (B) Assam       (C) Nagaland       (D) Manipur

97. The Kuka Movement was started in the mid nineteenth century in

      (A) Western Punjab       (B) Maharastra       (C) Bengal       (D) Madhya Pradesh

98. Who was the founder of the Secret Society Abhinava Bharat ?

      (A) Naren Bhattacharji      (B) Jatin Mukherjee       (C) Damodar Chapekar      (D) Ganesh Savarkar

99. Universities in the Presidency towns in India were established in the year

      (A) 1857        (B) 1858      (C) 1900       (D) 1909

100. The 'Young India' was edited by

        (A) Jawaharlal Nehru      (B) Mahadev Desai       (C) Mahatma Gandhi     (D) Acharya Narendra Dev

101. Which State is the leading producer of coconut oil ?

        (A) Goa      (B) Kerala      (C) Karnataka      (D) Tamil Nadu

102. The chief coal bearing formation in India is known as the

        (A) Siwaliks         (B) Gondwanas       (C) Vindhyans      (D) Cuddappahs

103. Which of the following rivers is older than the Himalayas ?

        (A) Beas       (B) Sutlej         (C) Teesta       (D) Kosi

104. Structurally, the Meghalaya Plateau is a part of

        (A) Himalayas      (B) Ganga Plains      (C) Trans Himalayas      (D) Deccan Plateau

105. Which one has not been correctly matched ?

        (A) Burdwan : Coal      (B) Purulia : Lime stone      (C) Birbhum : China clay      (D) Bankura : Manganese

106. Loktak Lake is located in

        (A) Assam      (B) Arunachal Pradesh       (C) Tripura        (D) Manipur

107. Which one of the following is not correct ?

        (A) Toy Train of Darjeeling has been given Heritage Railways Station by UNESCO.

        (B) Mangpu of Kalimpong subdivision is famous for Cinchona cultivation.

        (C) Lyed Botanical Garden is situated in Kurseong subdivision.

        (D) Himalaya Mountaineering Institute is located in the Darjeeling town.

108. 'Smart Cities Mission' was launched by India Government in the year

        (A) 2014       (B) 2015      (C) 2016       (D) 2013

109. Sagar Samrat is

        (A) an oil drilling platform in Mumbai High.

        (B) an island in Indian Ocean.

        (C) a ship used for Antarctica expedition.

        (D) a space craft.

110. Sidrapong of Darjeeling has India's first

        (A) Plywood factory      (B) Saw mill      (C) Hydropower station       (D) None of the above

111. Which one of the following reasons dominates in Rural to Urban migration in India ?

        (A) Marriage      (B) Education       (C) Family movement        (D) Employment

112. Mohammed bazar of Birbhum is famous for

        (A) China clay       (B) Lime stone      (C) Dolomite       (D) None of the above

113. ——— state of India has more females in number than males a sex-ratio of 1084/1000 according to the Census of India, 2011.

        (A) Karnataka      (B) West Bengal      (C) Kerala      (D) Orissa

114. The northward shift of the ITC over India leads to the onset of

        (A) Northeast monsoon     (B) Retreating monsoon      (C) Southwest monsoon      (D) Westerly depressions

115. In which of the following states is the Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric plant located ?

        (A) Jammu and Kashmir      (B) Himachal Pradesh      (C) Uttarakhand       (D) Rajasthan

116. Introduction of Joint Forest Management was an important objective of

        (A) National Forest Policy, 1988

        (B) Man and Biosphere Program

        (C) Wild Life Protection Act. 1972

        (D) None of the above

117. The tropical forest in India have been exploited more in India as

        1. they are the only forest we have.

        2. they provide good quality timber.

        3. they are more accessible.

        4. there are restrictions on cutting of temperate forests.

        (A) 1 and 2 are true     (B) 2 and 3 are true      (C) 3 and 4 are true      (D) 1 and 3 are true

118. Vantawng falls with a height of 229m are located in which district of Mizoram ?

        (A) Champhai District      (B) Mamit District      (C) Serchchip District       (D) Aizawl District

119. Small areas of peaty soils occur in

        (A) Haryana      (B) Rajasthan      (C) Uttaranchal       (D) Madhya Pradesh

120. According to the Census Department of Government of India, a class III urban place have a population between

        (A) 10000 - 19999      (B) 20000 - 49999       (C) 50000 - 99999      (D) None of the above

121. Which one records the lowest normal temperature in the month of January ?

        (A) Bikaner      (B) Bengaluru       (C) Jaisalmer       (D) Firozpur

122. Tobacco was introduced into India by the

        (A) Chinese       (B) Portuguese       (C) English       (D) French

123. The modern iron and steel industry in India has its beginning in 1870 when Bengal Iron Works Company was established in

        (A) Kulti       (B) Bishnupur        (C) Cossipore       (D) None of the above

124. Titagarh, Amlai and Nepanagar are known for

        (A) Sugar Industry      (B) Ship Industry      (C) Iron and Steel industry      (D) Paper Industry

125. In India which of the following criteria applied in defining a town has varied from census to census in recent decades ?

        (A) Density of population     (B) Total population     (C) Administrative status     (D) Working population

126. Most of the tribals of the central and southern regions of India belong to ——— stock.

        (A) Negrito      (B) Proto-Australoid       (C) Mongoloid        (D) Australoid

127. Sarva Shiksha Abhijan was launched in the year

        (A) 2000      (B) 2001       (C) 2002        (D) 2003

128. Which State produces the high quality Virginia tobacco ?

        (A) Tamil Nadu      (B) Andhra Pradesh       (C) Karnataka        (D) Maharashtra

129. Murrah is a breed of

        (A) pig      (B) buffalo      (C) sheep      (D) goat

130. With reference to Indian forests, consider the following pairs :

        1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest : Sandalwood (Santalum album)

        2. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests : (Shorea robusta)

        3. Tropical Thorn Forests : Shisham (Dalbeigia sissoo)

        Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched ?

        (A) 1 only      (B) 1 and 2       (C) 2 and 3      (D) 1, 2 and 3

131. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reasons (R) :

        Assertion (A) : India is a multireligious and multi­ethnic society.

        Reasons (R) : The Constitution of India offers to all citizens, individually and collectively, fundamental rights without discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

       (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

       (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

       (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

       (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

132. Nepal Himalayas extends between the rivers

        (A) Sutlej and Beas      (B) Kali and Sutlej       (C) Kali and Teesta      (D) Teesta and Brahmaputra

133. ——— lies between the outer Himalayas and lower Himalayas.

        (A) Main Central Thrust      (B) Main Boundary Thrust      (C) Owen Fracture Zone     (D) Main Frontal Thrust

134. Which one of the following is not a tributary of Brahmaputra ?

        (A) Kameng      (B) Kopoli       (C) Seonath       (D) Dhansiri

135. Which of the following is known as placer deposits ?

        (A) Metals that occur as sandy deposits in sands of sea floor.

        (B) Minerals that occur as alluvial deposit in sand of valley floor.

        (C) Metals that occur as sandy deposit in sand of land floor.

        (D) None of the above

136. Which of the following States in India is passing through the stage of Demographic Transition which entails low fertility and low mortality ?

        (A) Assam       (B) Haryana       (C) Punjab      (D) Tamil Nadu

137. Yelagiri is a branch of

        (A) Sahyadris       (B) Palni Hills       (C) Nilgiri Hills      (D) Annamalai Hills

138. The Ramen peak is situated in

        (A) Arabian Sea       (B) Bay of Bengal      (C) Gulf of Mannar       (D) Andaman & Nicobar

139. In India the most important source of energy is

        (A) Petroleum       (B) Coal       (C) Nuclear      (D) Hydro-electricity

140. Which among the following are the chief characteristics of shifting cultivation ?

        (1) High dependence on manual labour

        (2) Use of low level of technology

        (3) Utilization of poor soils through fallowing

        (4) Use of chemical fertilisers

        Choose the correct option from the codes given below :

        (A) 1 and 2      (B) 1, 2 and 3       (C) 1, 3 and 4      (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

141. India is among the leading producers ——— in the world.

        (A) Tuna       (B) Shrimp       (C) Salmon        (D) Sardines

142. Consider the following Canals of India with their connecting states :

        1. Munak Canal — Haryana and Delhi

        2. Indira Gandhi Canal — Punjab and Rajasthan

        3. Buckingham Canal — Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka

        4. Narmada Canal — Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat

        Which of the above are correctly matched ?

        (A) 1 and 2       (B) 2 and 3      (C) 1, 2 and 3      (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

143. The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is Iower than that of Mumbai in May and higher than that of Mumbai in January, because

        (A) Thiruvananthapuram has cold current and Mumbai is faced with warm current.

        (B) Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfall in summer and it is nearer to the equator.

        (C) Thiruvananthapuram is on the windward side and Mumbai is on the Iceward side.

        (D) Thiruvananthapuram is vegetated while Mumbai is not.

144. The Jhelum has its source from

        (A) Mourn Kailash       (B) Rohtang       (C) Verinag       (D) Kulu

145. The southernmost point of India in the Nicobar Islands was formerly known as

        (A) Indira Point      (B) Pigmalion Point      (C) Indira Col      (D) Parson Point

146. Prince, Victoria and Alexandria are the three important and busy docks at

        (A) Cochin      (B) Visakhapatnam       (C) Chennai       (D) Mumbai

147. What is Obra ?

        (A) Copper project in Rajasthan

        (B) Super thermal power project in Uttar Pradesh

        (C) Atomic power plant at Kalpakkam

        (D) Hydroelectric project in Uttar Pradesh Rohtang

148. Who in census of India applied the 'ternary diagram' for the functional classification of towns in India ?

        (A) P. Podmanabha       (B) A. R. Nanda      (C) Ashok Mitra      (D) Chandrasekhar

149. Promoting Energy Access through Clean Energy (PEACE) is an initiative between Government of India and ——— .

        (A) France       (B) USA       (C) Japan       (D) UAE

150. Which one is not a Tidal river ?

        (A) Icchamati       (B) Vidyadhari       (C) Kalindi      (D) Jalangi

151. Duncan Passage separates the

        (A) South Andamans  from  middle Andamans

        (B) Little Andamans from North Andamans

        (C) North Andamans from middle Andamans

        (D) Little Andamans from South Andamans

152. Which one of the following National Highway has crossed Farrakka Barrage ?

        (A) NH 31      (B) NH 32       (C) NH 33       (D) NH 34

153. The port of India connected to the interior through the Palghat gap is

        (A) Madras       (B) Marmagao       (C) Cochin      (D) New Mangalore

154. The main species of the coniferous forest of the Himalayas between the altitudes 1600 meters and 3300 meters are

        (A) Cedar, Pine, Sine, Silverfir, Spruce

        (B) Sagon and Sakhu

        (C) Sandalwood, Rosewood

        (D) Oak, Chestnut, Chir, Chil

155. In which of the following North-Eastern States of India inhabit the Nishi tribe ?

        (A) Meghalaya       (B) Arunachal Pradesh       (C) Nagaland      (D) Manipur

156. Pipavav in Gujarat is best known for which among the following ?

        (A) India's first private port

        (B) India's first Greenfield refinery

        (C) India's first ship breaking yard

        (D) None of the above

157. Jharkhand does not share boundary with

        (A) West Bengal       (B) Orissa       (C) Chhattisgarh       (D) Madhya Pradesh

158. The Chennai-Bengaluru-Coimbatore-Madurai region is

        (A) a major industrial region.

        (B) a major agricultural region.

        (C) Mangrove forest region.

        (D) Dry Mountainous (Hilly) region.

159. Which among the following city is called 'zero Mile Center' because of its location oi India's Geographic center ?

        (A) Bhopal       (B) Nagpur        (C) Jabbalpur       (D) Indore

160. West Bengal shares boundaries with how many foreign countries ?

        (A) Five      (B) Two       (C) Three       (D) Four

161. The Portuguese possessions Goa, Daman and Diu were liberated in

        (A) 1961      (B) 1971      (C) 1981       (D) 1951

162. The full form of the abbreviation NLM is

        (A) Northern Line of Monsoon

        (B) Normal Line ol Monsoon

        (C) Northern Limit of Monsoon

        (D) Normal Limit of Monsoon

163. In Thanjavur delta, ———  crop is cultivated three times in a year.

        (A) Wheat       (B) Rice      (C) Sugarcane       (D) Groundnut

164. Tadoba National Park known for Sheltering tiger, panther and bear is located in

        (A) Assam       (B) Maharashtra       (C) Karnataka       (D) Tamil Nadu

165. Which one of the following States has got highest density of population on the basis of 1991 census report ?

        (A) Kerala       (B) West Bengal       (C) Bihar       (D) None of the above

166. The Deepest mine in India is

        (A) Kolar       (B) Ranigunj       (C) Khetri       (D) Jharia

167. Marmagao port is linked to the interior by means of cheap transport on rivers

        (A) Zuari and Mandovi     (B) Bhima and Kalinadi      (C) Varada and Malaprabha     (D) Gangawali and Savitri

168. Which one of the following is a 'Formal Region' ?

        (A) Delhi metropolitan region

        (B) Hyderabad-Secunderabad region

        (C) Delhi-Jaipur-Agra Triangle

        (D) Assam Valley

169. Which State is called the agriculture epitome of India ?

        (A) West Bengal      (B) Uttar Pradesh      (C) Punjab     (D) Haryana

170. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

List - I List - II
(a) Aw 1. Rain shadow zone of Karnataka
(b) Amw 2. Thar desert
(c) BShw 3. West Bengal and Bihar
(d) BWhw 4. Malabar Coast


(A) a b c d
3 4 1 2


(B) a b c d
3 1 4 2


(C) a b c d
2 1 4 3


(D) a b c d
2 4 1 3

171. Malda district of West Bengal is famous for

        (A) Sericulture     (B) Horticulture      (C) Apiculture       (D) Aquaculture

172. Which of the following is the oldest atomic power station ?

        (A) Kalpakkam      (B) Tarapur       (C) Narora       (D) Kota

173. The Vale of Kashmir is the only level strip of land in the Himalayas. Which river has laid its deposits to form this level plain ?

        (A) Ravi      (B) Sutlej       (C) Beas       (D) Jhelum

174. In which State does most of the Vidarbha region lie ?

        (A) Karnataka       (B) Maharashtra       (C) Gujarat       (D) Madhya pradesh

175. Through which of the following States Chambal river does not flow ?

        (A) Unar Pradesh      (B) Madhya pradesh        (C) Rajasthan      (D) Gujarat

176. The Grand Anicut Canal is located in

        (A) Andhra pradesh     (B) Tamil Nadu       (C) Karnataka       (D) Kerala

177. Site refers to the

        (A) external features of a place.

        (B) precise location of the centre of a city.

        (C) proximity to natural resources or transportation routes.

        (D) internal locational attributes of a place.

178. The Border Road Organization was established in which year ?

        (A) 1960      (B) 1972      (C) 1988      (D) 1991

179. The famous Sindri fertilizer plant is located at

        (A) Madhya Pradesh     (B) Maharashtra      (C) Bihar      (D) Jharkhand

180. Where is pearl fishing done in India ?

        (A) Cochin       (B) Kandla       (C) Nhava Sheva       (D) Tuticorin

181. The minimum forest cover necessary to maintain ecological balance is

        (A) 50% of the total land area.

        (B) 40% of the total land area.

        (C) 33% of the total land area.

        (D) 25% of the total land area.

182. Which river valley has Gondwana rocks ?

        (A) Ganga      (B) Brahmaputra       (C) Damodar       (D) Sutlej

183  Which one of the following statements is not true ?

        (A) Ghaggar's water is utilized in the Indira Gandhi Canal.

        (B) Narmada raised from Amarkantak region.

        (C) Nizam Sagar is situated on the Manjira river.

        (D) Penganga is a tributary of the Godavari.

184. Which one of the following sequences of the steel-plants from East to West is correct in India ?

        (A) Jamshedpur, Rourkela, Durgapur, Bhilai

        (B) Bhilai, Rourkela, Durgapur, Jamshedpur

        (C) Durgapur, Jamshedpur, Rourkela, Bhilai

        (D) Durgapur, Rourkela, Bhilai, Jamshedpur

185. Indian Maritime University is located at

        (A) Hyderabad      (B) Vishakhapatnam      (C) Chennai       (D) Kochi

186. Match the following :

List - I List - II
a. SAIL 1. Chemicals
b. BALCO 2. Iron and Steel
c. BPCL 3. Electronics
d. BEL 4. Aluminium


(A) a b c d
2 4 1 3


(B) a b c d
2 1 4 3


(C) a b c d
4 2 1 3


(D) a b c d
2 1 3 4

187. Which river forms the famous Gersoppa falls ?

        (A) Cauvery       (B) Sharavati       (C) Narmada      (D) Godavari

188. The Steel mill of Durgapur was set up in collaboration with

        (A) Russia      (B) Germany      (C) Britain      (D) France 

189.The thickest coal seam is found in which of the following places of India ?

       (A) Singarauli       (B) Jhingurda      (C) Kargail       (D) Kampte

190. Which of the following hill stations is not located in Himachal Pradesh ?

        (A) Kulu      (B) Manali        (C) Shimla      (D) Ranikhet

191. The area from Punjab to Kutch falls under ——— type of climate.

        (A) Bsh      (B) Bwh       (C) Awf       (D) Cwe

192. Wild asses are found in

        (A) Parkal, Warangal (Andhra Pradesh)

        (B) Rann of Kutch (Gujarat),

        (C) Manas. Barpeta (Assam)

        (D) Chandraprabha. Varanasi

193. The National Metallurgical Laboratory of India is at

        (A) Jamshedpur      (B) Dhanbad      (C) Roorkee       (D) Ranchi

194. Which one of the following sequences in the ascending order of their geographical size is correct ?

        (A) Bihar - Chhattisgarh - Jharkhand - Orissa

        (B) Jharkhand - West Bengal - Tamil Nadu - Chhattisgarh

        C) West Bengal - Bihar - Chhattisgarh - Tamil Nadu

       (D) Chhattisgarh - Jharkhand - Tamil Nadu - Orissa

195. In which Five-Year plan, balanced regional development was emphasized as one of the major objectives of the planning excercise

        (A) Second       (B) Third       (C) Fourth       (D) Fifth

196. Cochin and Visakhapatnam sea ports of India are situated on the

        (A) East and West Coasts, respectively

        (B) East Coast

        (C) West Coast

        (D) West and East Coasts, respectively

197. Rank the folded zones in India from oldest to youngest.

        (A) Dharwar, Aravalli, Eastern Ghat, Satpura

        (B) Dharwar, Eastern Ghat, Satpura, Aravalli

       (C) Eastern Ghat, Satpura, Aravalli, Dharwar

       (D) Satpura, Aravalli, Dharwar, Eastern Ghat

198. Match the following :

List - I List - II
a. Carevas 1. Uttaranchal
b. Chos 2. Jammu & Kashmir
c. Duns and Bhabars 3. Tamil Nadu
d. Circular huts 4. Punjab


(A) a b c d
2 3 4 1


(B) a b c d
2 1 4 3


(C) a b c d
2 4 1 3


(D) a b c d
2 3 1 4

199. The Dravidian rock system is found in ——— region.

        (A) Krishna Valley      (B) Chotanagpur Plateau      (C) Spiti Valley      (D) Damodar Valley

200. The Baratang Island mangroves is located in which of the following places of India ?

        (A) Lakshadweep       (B) Andaman and Nicobar      (C) New Moore      (D) Odisha



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