Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answer must be in one and the same language.
Answer any three Questions :
1. Critically evaluate the development of personality as conceptionalised by Erikson. Compare his theoretical position with that of Sigmund Freud. 30+10
2. What are the major clinical features of Schizophrenia ? Critically discuss its etiological factors with the help of suitable research evidences. 16+24
3. Define a group. What are the major types of group ? Discuss the structure and function of a group. 6+7+27
4. Who is delinquent ? Discuss the major causes of delinquency . What remedial measures can be taken up to manage the social evil of delinquency ? 8+12+20
5. Write short notes on any two : 20+20
a) Criteria of adjustment.
b) Client-centered Therapy
c) Psychological test construction
d) Occupational health hazard
Answer any two Questions :
6. What is the need of adequate personnel selection in an organization ? Discuss the different methods of personnel selection. How can organizational climate in India be improved ? 8+12+20
7. Explain the concept of individual differences in a classroom. As a psychologist explain how can you ensure effective teaching-learning in the classroom set up ? 15+25
8. What are research variables ? Discusss their different types and explain the concept of confounding. How can confounding of research be prevented ? 8+12+20