Series Resonant Inverters with Unidirectional switches
Operation Research


Half-wave controlled rectifier with free-wheeling diode
Environmental Engineering

Three Phase Transformers
Machining Principles & Machine Tools

Definitions of Electrical Circuits
An electric circuit is a path of connected elements in which electrons can flow from a voltage or current source. Before going into discussion of network analysis or Circuit is required to know certain definitions.

3-Phase Induction Motors
Energy Conservation and Management

Modified sinusoidal Pulse-width Modulation (MSPWM)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

Sinusoidal Pulse-width Modulation
Mathematical Methods in Chemical Enginering

Food Processing Engineering

Power Electronics Basic and Switches
Petrochemical Technology

Quasi-resonant Converters
Food Processing Engineering

3-Phase Synchronous Motors
Automobile Engineering

Direct Current Generators (DC Generators)
D.C. Generators

ZV resonant switch
Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering

Forward Converter (Similar to Buck Regulator)
Instrumentation and Process Control

3-phase Bridge rectifiers
Chemical Process Technology-II

Direct Current Motors (DC Motors)
Motor -- a machine converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Construction of D.C motor is similar to D.C generator. Most types produce rotary motion. Another type is Linear motor which directly produces force and motion in a straight line.