Thermal Physics

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 15:05

Thermal Physics : Scales of temperature, thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases, calorimetry, change of state of matter, latent heat, transition temperature, Transmission of heat: conduction, convection, radiation, Black body radiation, absorptive and emissive powers : Kirchoffs law, Wien’s law, Stefan’s law, Newton’s law of cooling, Kinetic theory : mean free path, pressure of an ideal gas, mean and rms velocity of molecules of a gas, kinetic interpretation of temperature, degrees of freedom, equipartition of energy(statement only) — application to monoatomic and diatomic gases.

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Binomial theorem

Binomial theorem (positive integral index) :Statement of the theorem, general term, middle term, equidistant terms, properties of binomial co-efficients.