Chemistry of Metals

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:10

Chemistry of Metals :
General principles of metallurgy – occurrence, concentration of ores, production and purification of metals, mineral wealth of India.
Typical metals (Na, Ca, Al, Fe, Cu and Zn) – occurrence, extraction, purification (where applicable), properties and reactions with air, water, acids and non-metals.
Manufacture of steels and alloy steel (Bessemer, Open-Hearth and L.D. process).
Principles of chemistry involved in electroplating, anodizing and galvanizing.

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Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic :

Arithmatic Progration, Geometric progression, Harmonic progression

A.P., G.P., H.P. :Definitions of A. P. and G.P.; General term; Summation of first n-terms; A.M.and G.M.; Definitions of H.P. (only 3 terms) and H.M.; Finite arithmetico-geometric series.

Application of Calculus

Application of Calculus : Tangents and normals, conditions of tangency. Determination of monotonicity, maxima and minima. Differential coefficient as a measure of rate.
Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration.

Differential Equations

Differential Equations : Formulation and solution of differential equations of the forms.
1) dy / dx = ƒ(x).g(y)
2) dy / dx = ƒ(y/x)
3) dy / dx = (ax+by) / (cx+dy)