Chemistry of Metals

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:10

Chemistry of Metals :
General principles of metallurgy – occurrence, concentration of ores, production and purification of metals, mineral wealth of India.
Typical metals (Na, Ca, Al, Fe, Cu and Zn) – occurrence, extraction, purification (where applicable), properties and reactions with air, water, acids and non-metals.
Manufacture of steels and alloy steel (Bessemer, Open-Hearth and L.D. process).
Principles of chemistry involved in electroplating, anodizing and galvanizing.

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Chemistry of Carbon Compounds
Hybridization of carbon δ and π-bonds.

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry
Common modes of pollution of air, water and soil. Ozone layer, ozone hole – important chemical reactions.
Green House effect; Smog; Pollution of water by domestic and industrial effluents; Pollutants–pesticides, fertilizers and plastics.

Heavy Chemicals

Heavy Chemicals : Sulfuric acid (contact process), Ammonia (Haber’s process), Nitric acid (Ostwald’s process), sodium bi-carbonate and sodium carbonate (Solvey process).
Polymers, Polythene, Nylon-66, rubber from natural source, vulcanization.

Chemistry in Industry

Chemistry in Industry
Large scale production (including physicochemical principles where applicable omitting technical details and uses of individual items).

