Chemical Energetics and Chemical Dynamics

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:05

Chemical Energetics and Chemical Dynamics
Chemical Energetics – Conservation of energy principle, energy changes in physical and chemical transformations. First law of thermodynamics; Internal energy, work and heat, pressure-volume work; Enthalpy.
Internal energy change (∆E) and Enthalpy change (∆H) in a chemical reaction. Hess’s Law and its applications (Numerical problems). Heat of reaction, fusion and vapourization; Second law of thermodynamics; Entropy;
Free energy; Criterion of spontaneity.

Chemical Equilibria – The Law of mass action, dynamic nature of chemical equilibria. Equilibrium constants, Le Chatelier’s Principle. Equilibrium constants of gaseous reactions (Kp and Kc) and relation between them (examples). Significance of ∆G and ∆G°.

Chemical Dynamics – Factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions (concentration, pressure, temperature, catalyst). Arrhenius equation and concept of activation energy.
Order and molecularity (determination excluded); First order reactions, rate constant, half-life (numerical problems), examples of first order and second order reactions.

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