Aliphatic Compounds: Alkenes and Alkynes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:24

Aliphatic Compounds
Alkanes – Preparation from alkyl halides and carboxylic acids; Reactions – halogenation and combustion.

Alkenes and Alkynes – Preparation by elimination of alcohols, alkyl halides and quaternary ammonium hydroxides, Saytzeff and Hofmann rules; Reactions – electrophilic addition of X2, HX, HOX, H2O (X=halogen), ozonolysis, epoxidation and oxidation with KMnO4, OsO4 (stereochemistry of addition excluded).
Markownikoff’s and anti-Markownikoff’s additions; Hydroboration; Oxymercuration – demercuration, reduction of alkenes and alkynes (H2/Lindler catalyst and Na in liquid NH3), metal acetylides.
Alkyl halides – Preparation from alcohols; Formation of Grignard reagents and their synthetic applications for the preparation of alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and acids; SN1 and SN2 reactions (preliminary concept).
Alcohols – Preparation from carbonyl compounds and esters. Reaction – dehydration, oxidation, esterification, reaction with sodium, ZnCl2 / HCl, phosphorous halides.

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