Growth, Reproduction, and Ageing

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 00:37

Growth, Reproduction, and Ageing :
A. In Plants :
Different parts of a typical flower (China rose). Types of flower : regular and irregular, actinomorphic, zygomorphic.Aestivation in Musaceae & Malvaceae.Floral formula : Definition, symbols used in floral formulae in Musaceae (e.g. Banana) and Malvaceae (eg. China rose) ; Pollination – Definition, self and cross pollination; Merits and demerits of self and cross pollination. Fertilization – Process of double fertilization. Dispersal of fruits and seeds – Types with examples. Phases and factors of Growth, Differences between growth and development, Abscission senescence, ageing and growth of seeding and the role of gibberellic acid.

B. In Animals :
Primary and secondary sex organs and secondary sex characters – Testis – Histology, Functions of Testosterone.
Spermatogenesis (outline). Ovary – Histology : Functions of estrogen and progesterone; Oogenesis (outline);
structure of mature Graafian follicle.
Menstrual cycle (brief idea). Fertilization and Implantation.

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