Functions of life: Photosynthesis, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System & Blood

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 00:28

Functions of life :
Photosynthesis :
Major photosynthetic pigments, outline concept of light and dark reaction phases, basic idea of bacterial photosynthesis, C2, C3, C4 pathways, CAM (in brief), photorespiration.

Respiratory System :
(a) Definition of respiration, Mechanisms of glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle (Flow chart only; calculation for ATP, CO2 & H2O) ; Outline idea of Electron Transport system, Relationships of photosynthesis and respiration.

(b) Respiratory system in human : Respiratory tract, Mechanism of breathing, Role of intercostals muscles and diaphragm;

Significance of physiological and anatomical dead space.

Tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes, residual volume, vital capacity. Composition of inspired, expired and alveolar air. Common respiratory diseases – definition and causes – Asthma, Tuberculosis, Hypoxia, Anoxia, Apnoea, Dyspnoea.

Cardiovascular System & Blood :
Anatomy of Heart – junctional tissues of the heart; origin and propagation of cardiac impulse. Histological structures of arteries, veins and capillaries.
Cardiac cycle – Atrial and ventricular events only; cardiac cycle time, Heart sound.
Cardiac output – definition, Stroke and Minutes volume.

Blood Pressure : factors controlling & measurement.
Blood – Composition and functions of blood.
Blood coagulation and anticoagulants, Blood group and Rh factor, Blood Transfusion, Lymph and tissue fluid
formation and functions, Portal circulation.

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Common modes of pollution of air, water and soil. Ozone layer, ozone hole – important chemical reactions.
Green House effect; Smog; Pollution of water by domestic and industrial effluents; Pollutants–pesticides, fertilizers and plastics.

Heavy Chemicals

Heavy Chemicals : Sulfuric acid (contact process), Ammonia (Haber’s process), Nitric acid (Ostwald’s process), sodium bi-carbonate and sodium carbonate (Solvey process).
Polymers, Polythene, Nylon-66, rubber from natural source, vulcanization.

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