Submitted by tushar pramanick on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 21:11

Using Shift Operators

There are two shift operators in C. The >> operator shifts the bits of an operand to the right; the << operator shifts the bits to the left.

The general forms of the two shift operators are

x >> y
x << y

Here x is an operand that is going to be shifted. y contains the specified number of places to shift.

For instance, the 8 >> 2 expression tells the computer to shift 2 bits of the operand 8 to the right, which returns 2 in decimal. The following:

8 >> 2 -> (1 * 23 + 0 *22 + 0 * 21 + 0 *20) >> 2

produces the following:

(0 * 23 + 0 * 22 + 1 *21 + 0 * 20) -> 0010 (binary) -> 2 (decimal).

Likewise, the 5 << 1 expression shifts 1 bit of the operand 5, and yields 10 in decimal.

The program in Listing 8.6 prints out more results by using the shift operators.

Listing 8.6. Using the shift operators.

1:  /* 08L06.c: Using shift operators */
2:  #include <stdio.h>
4:  main()
5:  {
6:     int   x, y, z;
8:     x = 255;
9:     y = 5;
10:    printf("Given x = %4d, i.e., 0X%04X\n", x, x);
11:    printf("      y = %4d, i.e., 0X%04X\n", y, y);
12:    z = x >> y;
13:    printf("x >> y  returns: %6d, i.e., 0X%04X\n", z, z);
14:    z = x << y;
15:    printf("x << y  returns: %6d, i.e., 0X%04X\n", z, z);
16:    return 0;
17: }

    The following output is obtained by running the executable, 08L06.exe, from a DOS prompt:

    C:\app> 08L06
    Given x =  255, i.e., 0X00FF
          y =    5, i.e., 0X0005
    x >> y  returns:      7, i.e., 0X0007
    x << y  returns:   8160, i.e., 0X1FE0

    Three integer variables, x, y, and z, are declared in line 6 of Listing 8.6. x is initial-ized with

255 in line 8; y is set to 5 in line 9. Then, lines 10 and 11 display the values of x and y on the screen.

The statement in line 12 shifts y bits of the operand x to the right, and then assigns the result to z. Line 13 prints out the result of the shifting made in line 12. The result is 7 in decimal, or 0X0007 in hex.

Lines 14 and 15 shift the operand x to the left by y bits and display the result on the screen, too. The result of the left-shifting is 8160 in decimal, or 0x1FE0 in hex.


    The operation of the shift-right operator (>>) is equivalent to dividing by powers of 2. In other words, the following:

    x >> y

    x / 2y

    Here x is a non-negative integer.
    On the other hand, shifting to the left is equivalent to multiplying by powers of 2; that is,

    x << y

    x * 2y

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