Submitted by tushar pramanick on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 16:04

Question and Answer

    Q What is the difference between the pre-increment operator and the post-increment operator?

    A The pre-increment operator increases the operand's value by 1 first, and then returns the modified value. On the other hand, the post-increment operator stores a copy of the operand value in a temporary location and then increases the operand value by 1. However, the copy of the unmodified operand value is returned in the expression. For instance, given x = 1, the ++x expression returns 2, while the x++ expression returns 1.

    Q Is the unary minus operator (-) the same as the subtraction operator (-)?

    A No, they are not the same, although the two operators share the same symbol. The unary minus operator is used to change the sign of a value. In other words, the unary minus operator returns the negation of the value. The subtraction operator is an arithmetic operator that performs subtraction between its two operands.
    Q Which one has a higher precedence, a relational operator or an arithmetic operator?

    A An arithmetic operator has a higher precedence than a relational operator. For instance, the x * y + z > x + y expression is interpreted as ((x * y) + z) > (x + y).

    Q What does a relational expression return?

    A A relational expression returns either 0 or 1. If the relationship indicated by a relational operator in an expression is true, the expression returns 1; otherwise, the expression returns 0.



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In the C language, a statement is a complete instruction, ending with a semicolon. In many cases, you can turn an expression into a statement by simply adding a semicolon at the end of the expression.

For instance, the following

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For instance, the following:

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Exercises : Answer these Questions

After Reading and Understanding the Chapter 03 : The Essentials of C Programs, please give the answer of following Questions. if you able to answer these question correctly then please proceed to next chapter which is on Data Types and Names in C programming.

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Constants and Variables

Constant এর value  কখনোই চেঞ্জ হয় না। অন্যদিকে  variable কে ব্যবহার করা হয় ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ভ্যালু কে দেখানোর জন্য ।