Submitted by tushar pramanick on Sun, 03/10/2013 - 22:01

    Q What are the differences between a union and a structure?

    A Basically, the difference between a union and a structure is that the members in a union are overlaid and they share the same memory location, whereas the members in a structure have their own memory locations. A union can be referenced by using one of its member names.

    Q What will happen if you initialize all members of a union together?

    A The value that is assigned to a union member last will be the value that stays in the memory storage of the union until the next assignment to the union. In ANSI C, you can initialize a union by initializing its first member.

    Q How do you reference a union member?

    A If the name of a union is used to reference the union members, then the dot operator (.) can be used to separate the union name and the name of a union member. If a pointer, which points to a union, is used to reference the union members, then the arrow operator (->) can be used between the pointer name and the name of a union member.

    Can you access the same memory location with different union members?

    A Yes. Since all union members in a union share the same memory location, you can access the memory location with different union members. For example, in the program in Listing 20.4, two character constants are assigned to a union memory storage through one of the union members. The two characters saved at the memory location of the union are printed out with the help from another union member.


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Using Nested Loops

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Listing 7.7 is an example of how nested loops work.


The do-while Loop

The do-while Loop

You may note that in the for and while statements, the expressions are set at the top of the loop. However, in this section, you're going to see another statement used for looping,

The while Loop

The while Loop

The while statement is also used for looping. Unlike the situation with the for statement, there is only one expression field in the while statement.

The general form of the while statement is

while (expression) {