Submitted by tushar pramanick on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 00:21

The goto Statement

I feel that this book would not be not complete without mentioning the goto statement, although I do not recommend that you use the goto statement unless it's absolutely necessary. The main reason that the goto statement is discouraged is because its usage may make the C program unreliable and hard to debug.

The following is the general form of the goto statement:

   goto  labelname;

Here labelname is a label name that tells the goto statement where to jump. You have to place labelname in two places: One is at the place where the goto statement is going to jump (note that a colon must follow the label name), and the other is the place following the goto keyword. You have to follow the same rules to make a label name as you name a variable or function.

Also, the place for the goto statement to jump to can appear either before or after the statement.

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