Submitted by tushar pramanick on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 00:34

Declaring Pointers

As mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, a pointer is a variable, which means that a pointer has a left value and a right value as well. However, both the left and right values are addresses. The left value of a pointer is used to refer to the pointer itself, whereas the right value of a pointer, which is the content of the pointer, is the address of another variable.

The general form of a pointer declaration is

data-type  *pointer-name;

Here data-type specifies the type of data to which the pointer points. pointer-name is the name of the pointer variable, which can be any valid variable name in C.

Note that right before the pointer name is an asterisk (*), which indicates that the variable is a pointer. When the compiler sees the asterisk in the declaration, it makes a note in its symbol table so that the variable can be used as a pointer.

The following shows different types of pointers:

char *ptr_c;    /* declare a pointer to a character */

int  *ptr_int;  /* declare a pointer to an integer */

float *ptr_flt; /* declare a pointer to a floating-point */

The program in Listing 11.2 demonstrates how to declare pointers and assign values to them.
Listing 11.2. Declaring and assigning values to pointers.

1:  /* 11L02.c: Declaring and assigning values to pointers */
2:  #include <stdio.h>
4:  main()
5:  {
6:     char  c, *ptr_c;
7:     int   x, *ptr_x;
8:     float y, *ptr_y;
10:    c = `A';
11:    x = 7;
12:    y = 123.45;
13:    printf("c: address=0x%p, content=%c\n", &c, c);
14:    printf("x: address=0x%p, content=%d\n", &x, x);
15:    printf("y: address=0x%p, content=%5.2f\n", &y, y);
16:    ptr_c = &c;
17:       printf("ptr_c: address=0x%p, content=0x%p\n", &ptr_c, ptr_c);
18:       printf("*ptr_c => %c\n", *ptr_c);
19:    ptr_x = &x;
20:       printf("ptr_x: address=0x%p, content=0x%p\n", &ptr_x, ptr_x);
21:       printf("*ptr_x => %d\n", *ptr_x);
22:    ptr_y = &y;
23:       printf("ptr_y: address=0x%p, content=0x%p\n", &ptr_y, ptr_y);
24:       printf("*ptr_y => %5.2f\n", *ptr_y);
25:    return 0;
26: }


I get the following output displayed on the screen after running the executable 11L02.exe from a DOS prompt on my machine:

C:\app> 11L02
c: address=0x1B38, content=A
x: address=0x1B36, content=7
y: address=0x1B32, content=123.45
ptr_c: address=0x1B30, content=0x1B38
*ptr_c => A
ptr_x: address=0x1B2E, content=0x1B36
*ptr_x => 7
ptr_y: address=0x1B2C, content=0x1B32
*ptr_y => 123.45


In Listing 11.2, there are three variables, c, x, and y, and three pointer variables, ptr_c, ptr_x, and ptr_y, declared in lines 6_8, respectively.

The statements in lines 10_12 initialize the three variables c, x, and y. Then, lines 13_15 print out the addresses as well as the contents of the three variables.

In line 16, the left value of the character variable c is assigned to the pointer variable ptr_c. The output made by the statement in line 17 shows that the pointer variable ptr_c contains the address of c. In other words, the content (that is, the right value) of ptr_c is the address (that is, the left value) of c.

Then in line 18, the value referred to by the pointer *ptr_c is printed out. The output proves that the pointer *ptr_c does point to the memory location of c.

Line 19 assigns the left value of the integer x to the integer pointer variable ptr_x. The statements in lines 20 and 21 print out the left value and right value of the pointer variable ptr_x, as well as the value referred to by the pointer *ptr_x.

Similarly, the left value of the float variable y is assigned to the float pointer variable ptr_y in line 22. To prove that ptr_y contains the address of y, and *ptr_y gives the content held by y, lines 23 and 24 print out the right values of ptr_y and *ptr_y, respectively.

The statements in lines 16, 19, and 22 show you how to assign the value of a variable

to another—in an indirect way. In other words, the left value of a variable can be assigned to another variable so that the latter can be used as a pointer variable to obtain the right value of the former. In this case, the variable name and the pointer refer to the same memory location. Accordingly, if either the variable name or the pointer is used in an expression to change the contents of the memory location, the contents of the memory location has changed for the other.

Figure 11.1. The memory image of variables and their pointers.

To help you understand the indirection of assigning values, Figure 11.1 demonstrates the memory image of the relationships between c and ptr_c, x and ptr_x, and y and ptr_y, based on the output obtained on my machine.

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