ভালো C প্রোগ্রামিং কিভাবে করবে ?

Submitted by tushar pramanick on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 17:31

ক্লাস 24 : তুমি এখন যে গুলি করতে পারো

CLASS 24: What You Can Do Now

You're now in the last chapter of this book. In this lesson you'll learn more about the C language from the following topics:

  • Programming style
  • Modular programming
  • Debugging


I've mentioned debugging several times in this lesson. What is a bug, anyway?

A bug in this context refers to any erroneous behavior of a computer system or a software program. Debugging means finding bugs and fixing them. Please be aware that no computer system or software program is immune to bugs. Programmers, like you and I, make bugs, because we're human beings.

When you're debugging your program, learn how to isolate the erroneous behavior performed by your program. Many C compilers provide built-in debuggers that you can use. Also, there are quite a few debugging tools available from third-party software vendors.

As has been said, debugging requires patience, ingenuity, and experience. I recommend that you read a good book that will teach you all the techniques of debugging; in fact, I recommend one in the list of the books in the next section.




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