Strings কে সঠিক ভাবে ফরম্যাট করা ও ব্যবহার করা

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:55

CLASS 13 - Manipulating Strings


In the last hour's lesson you learned how to use arrays to collect variables of the same type. You also learned that a character string is actually a character array ended with a null character \0. In this lesson you'll learn more about strings and C functions that can be used to manipulate strings. The following topics are covered:

    Declaring a string
    The length of a string
    Copying strings
    Reading strings with scanf(
    The gets() and puts() functions


  •     A string is a character array with a null character as the terminator at the last element.
  •     A string constant is a series of characters enclosed by double quotes.
  •     The C compiler automatically appends a null character to the array that has been initialized by a string constant.
  •     You cannot assign a string constant to a dereferenced char pointer.
  •     The strlen() function can be used to measure the length of a string. This function does not count the null character in the last element.
  •     You can copy a string from one array to another by calling the C function strcpy().
  •     The gets() function can be used to read a series of characters. This function stops reading when the newline character or end-of-file (EOF) is encountered. A null character is attached to the array that stores the characters automatically after the reading.
  •     The puts() function sends all characters, except the null character, in a string to the stdout, and appends a newline character to the output.
  •     You can read different data items with the scanf() function by using various format specifiers.


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Another Function for Writing: putchar()

Another Function for Writing: putchar()

C প্রোগ্রামিং এর putc() Function এর ব্যবহার

Using the putc() Function
The putc() function writes a character to the specified file stream, which, in our case, is the standard output pointing to your screen.


C প্রোগ্রামিংয়ের getchar() Function এর ব্যবহার

Using the getchar() Function
The C language provides another function, getchar(), to perform a similar operation to getc(). More precisely, the getchar() function is equivalent to getc(stdin).


The syntax for the getchar() function is


C প্রোগ্রামিংয়ে getc() Function এর ব্যবহার

Using the getc() Function
The getc() function reads the next character from a file stream, and returns the character as an integer.


The syntax for the getc() function is


C প্রোগ্রামিং এর double Data Type সম্পর্কে আলোচনা

The double Data Type
In the C language, a floating-point number can also be represented by another data type, called the double data type. In other words, you can specify a variable by the double keyword, and assign the variable a floating-point number.