Parts of Speech : Competitive Examinee always make mistake to give answer of those questions

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 03/09/2013 - 17:35

Most of the students preparing for various competitive examinations cant give answer of those questions which are from English language. But it also to be noted that most of the students who got success in different competitive examinations are very much confident of English language. It is not possible to sucure handful marks in any competitive examinations without English Language. So lets discuss, how we can prepare for English Language very easily. First of all we should have knowledge over different kind of words are called Parts of Speech. If we learn it properly then it would be really so easy to make answers of the questions appeared in question paper. Lets know the syllabus for most of the competitive examinations:

English Language: 1. spotting of errors 2. synonyms 3. antonyms 4. idioms & phrases 5. one word substitution 6. cloze test & 7. comprehension test.

1. Spottin of Errors: Here we have to find out the error part out 4 parts of a sentence given. Hence, we must know the different parts of a sentence to answer those question related to Spotting of Errors.

2. Synonyms: Here we have to find out the similar word out of four alternatives. If we learn Parts of Speech ,so it would be easy to find out wheathe the given word is noun, pronoun or verb or any of the rest from different parts of sppech. Then following the identity of the given word we will be able to find out the suitabele alternative very easily. 

3. Antonyms: Same trics(2) are to be applied.

4. Idioms & Phrase: After having a good knowledge about different kind of words, then it must be easy to memorise the idioms & phrases. So many idioms & phrase are made accordane the mening of words with which they are made of.

So, we may say that all the functions are related to different kind of words. Some of the functions would be related to Tense, Narration & Clause. In this cases 'verb' is the main factor. In case of Tense we should be followed by the Verb.

Now, a brief discussion providing knowledge, how to identify different parts of a speech:

  • 1. Noun: A word referring to a person, place, or thing.
  • 2. Pronoun: A word used instead of a noun to indicate someone or something already known or mentioned.
  • 3. Adjective: A word adding information about 1 & 2 (Noun & Pronoun).
  • 4 Verb: A word expressing an action.
  • 5. Adverb: A word adding information about 3,4 & 5 (Adjective, Verb & Even Adverb)

Rest three parts are not discussed. Get it yourself please...

                                       Actually, everything that has been discussed are not to provide any special knowledge but to make you enthusiastic. Because Enthusiasm can provide you the best Knowledge. Thanks & Regards!



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