IAS(Main) 2010 Management Paper-I Question Paper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 12:04


1. Write analytical note on the following in note more than 200 words each. Suitable real- life/hypothetical illustrations, to buttress your anwers:       20×3=60

(a) Cultural barriers in communication

(b) Hedge accounting

(c) Lewin's three -step model

2. (a) " We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." Explain in the context of organisational behavior.  30

(b) " the research opn the effects of strategic Planning generally finds it has no effect on corporate performance." Critically examine the statement.  30

3. (a) " The higher wages effect does not necessarily translate into higher cost." Explain with examples from India and abroad.   30

(b) " Creativity and innovation are invevitable instruments of excellencs; yet they differ in their basic characteristics." Analyse this statement and assess how organistsations can encourage both.    30

4. (a) Show, with an example , how break- even point of sales can be calculated when the number of units prodiced is not known.     20

(b) What are the five source of power, as listed by French and Ravan, exercisaed  by managers to influence the behavior of individuals in an organisation ?    20

(c) With suitable illustration(s), highlight the concept of corporate social responsiblility in India.  20

Section- B

5. Write analytical notes on the following in not more than 200 words each :    20×3=60

(a) Segmentation hypothese of capital market

(b) Share penetration index

(c) Synthetic loan

6. (a) " Operating and financial leverage are symmetric in behavior." Critically examine the statement from risk- analysis point of view.    30

(b) Explain , with brief illustrations, the expectation hypopthesis of bond valuation.   30

7. (a) " Coca-Cola account for less than 2 ounces of the 64 ounces of fluid that each of the world's 4-4 billion people drank on average day. The enemy is coffee, milk , tea , water-" Explain the strategic implication of the statement.  30

(b) Define and distinguish between 'points- of - parity' and  'Points - - difference' in the context of brand positioning. Substantiate with suitable illustrations .  30

8. (a) Explain the various methods of estimating current demand.  20

(b) Discuss the various elements involved in amrketing profitability analysis.  20

(c) Discuss the variuous elements of the demographic enviroment that affect marketing.   20


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