Single Word Substitution - Chapter - V

Submitted by administrator on Sat, 11/30/2013 - 21:20

♦  Ravi impressed everyone with his persuasive and fluent speech : Eloquence

♦  Regard for others as a principle of action : Altruism

♦  Rejesh was a hater of learning and knowledge : Misologist

♦  Relationship by blood or birth : Consanguinity

♦  Responsible according to law : Liable

♦  Ridiculous use of words : Malapropism

♦  Science deals with formation of words : Etymology

♦  Science of heredity : Genetics

♦  Science of human body : Physiology

♦  Science of the races of mankind : Ethnology

♦  Seat on elephant’s back : Howdah

♦  Seeing something which is not actually present : Hallucination

♦  Sole right to make and sell some invention : Patent

♦  Something which is not through or profound : Superficial

♦  Sound which can be heard : Audible

♦  Speaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things : Blasphemy

♦  Speaking himself when alone : Soliloquy

♦  Speaking or writing many languages : Polyglot

♦  Stealing from the writings of others : Plagiarism

♦  Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth : Parable

♦  Study of antiquisities : Archeology

♦  Study of art of teaching : Pedagogy

♦  Study of climate or weather : Meteorology

♦  Study of coins : Numismatics

♦  Study of heavenly body : Astronomy

♦  Study of mankind : Anthropology

♦  Study of secret writing and coded words : Cryptography

♦  Style full of words : Verbose

♦  Tendency to quarrel : Pugnacity

♦  That cannot be avoided : Inevitable

♦  That which can be carried : Portable

♦  That which can be divided : Divisible

♦  That which can be interpreted in any way : Ambiguous

♦  That which cannot be conquered : Invincible

♦  That which cannot be done without : Indispensable

♦  That which cannot be understood : Unintelligible

♦  The animals of a particular region : Fauna

♦  The art of beautiful handwriting elegant penmanship : Calligraphy

♦  The biography of a man written by himself : An autobiography

♦  The bus has to go back and forth every six hours : Commute

♦  That cannot be corrected : Incorrigible

♦  The custom of having more than one husband at the same time : Polyandry

♦  The custom of having more than one wife at the same time : Polygyny

♦  The higher point : Zenith

♦  The line which a plough cuts in the ground : Furrow

♦  The officer was not willing to take a definite stand on that point : Evasive

♦  The original inhabitants of a country : Aborigines

♦  The place where bricks are baked : Kiln

♦  The policy of extending of country’s empire and influence : Imperialism

♦  The power of reading of thoughts of others : Telepathy


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♦  The practice of having more than one spouse at the same time : Polygamy

♦  The school or college in which one has been educated : Alma mater

♦  The scientific study of living organisms : Biology

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♦  One leaving his native country to settle in another : Emigrant

♦  One living at the same time with another : Contemporary

♦  One looking only to the bright side of things : Optimist

♦  One looking only to the dark side of things : Pessimist

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♦  Inability to read, usually caused by brain lesions; word blindness : Alexia

♦  Inability to sleep : Insomnia

♦  Incapable of being repaired : Irreparable

♦  Incapable of being admitted : Inadmissible

♦  Incapable of being altered : Unalterable

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♦  An occasion of great importance : Momentous

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♦  Absence of rule of law and order : Anarchy [নৈরাজ্য]

♦  A blow which may cause death : An fatal blow [একটি মারাত্মক ঘা]

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