Pointers এর ব্যবহার ও তার প্রয়োজনীতা

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:48

Chapter 11 - An Introduction to Pointers


You've learned about many important C data types, operators, functions, and loops in the last 10 hours. In this lesson you'll learn about one of the most important and powerful features in C: pointers. The topics covered in this chapter are

    Pointer variables
    Memory addresses
    The concept of indirection
    Declaring a pointer
    The address-of operator
    The dereference operator


In this lesson you've learned the following:

  •     A pointer is a variable whose value is used to point to another variable.
  •     A variable declared in C has two values: the left value and the right value.
  •     The left value of a variable is the address; the right value is the content of the variable.
  •     The address-of operator (&) can be used to obtain the left value (address) of a variable.
  •     The asterisk (*) in a pointer declaration tells the compiler that the variable is a pointer variable.
  •     The dereference operator (*) is a unary operator; as such, it requires only one operand.
  •     The *ptr_name expression returns the value pointed to by the pointer variable ptr_name, where ptr_name can be any valid variable name in C.
  •     If the right value of a pointer variable is 0, the pointer is a null pointer. A null pointer cannot point to valid data.
  •     You can update the value of a variable referred by a pointer variable.
  •     Several pointers can point to the same location of a variable in the memory.


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Programming Style

Programming Style

In this section, I'd like to briefly highlight some points that will help you write clean programs that can easily be read, understood, and maintained.

Exercises : Answer the following Question

To help solidify your understanding of this hour's lesson, you are encouraged to answer the quiz questions and finish the exercises provided in the Workshop before you move to the next lesson.

Question and Answer

    Q Is the C preprocessor part of the C compiler?

    A No. The C preprocessor is not part of the C compiler. With its own line-oriented grammar and syntax, the C preprocessor runs before the compiler in order to handle named constants, macros, and inclusion of files.

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Compiling Your Code Under Conditions

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