WBUT 2010 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Question Papers ( Paper Code EC601)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/24/2014 - 02:15

CS/B.Tech (ECE)ISEM-5/EC-502/2010-11
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin Indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to givethelr answers in their own words as far as practIcable.

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: 10x 1=10

i) Adaptive delta modulation is preferred over delta modulation as
a) it gives better noise performance
b) it uses lesser bits for encoding the signal
c) it does not suffer from slope overload and threshold effects
d) It has simpler circuItry. .

ii) A rectangular pulse of duration T is applied to matched fiter. The output of the ifiter Is a
a) Rectangular pulse of duration T .
b) Rectangular pulse of duration 2T
c) Triangular pulse.
d) Sine function.

iii) The compander in a digital communication system serve to
a) equalise the SNR for boh weak and strong PAM signals
b) increase amplification of the signals
c) improve A/D conversion
d) improve multiplexing.

iv) Entropy is basically a measure of
a) Rate of information
b) Average information
c) Probability of information
d) Channel capacity for transmission of information.



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